We serve as your strategic publisher—from creating content and editing to layout and design. We handle and oversee every aspect of your book’s production from acquisition to launch using publishing as a tool to reach your objectives faster.

Living Life Smiling Book Cover

Daryl Holmes, the founder of Australian dental network, 1300SMILES, came to RESULTS Faster! to write, package, and sell their book as a means to drive brand awareness and dental leads to the 1300SMILES network.

We took the book, Living Life Smiling: Understand Happiness, Experience More Joy, and Help Yourself & Those Around You Win!, from concept to creation.

From writing, to editing, to packaging, to printing, Results Faster was there every step of the way!

I wanted to send a note to “thank you” for your push and support in having me write and publish Fearless Living. As I announced my departure from Princess House at the end of the year several weeks ago, the messages I have received with gratitude and thanks from our sales field because of how much my book and words have helped them, and will continue to be tenets they will use to fearlessly navigate the future have been extraordinary. I must admit, also surprising and unexpected for me.

You were right when you said, “Books stay longer, go farther and last after you’ve left.” Thank you for your support and belief. I hope our paths cross again in the not too distant future.

— Connie Tang, President & CEO, Princess House